Top 4 treasures in Doraemon to help you change your appearance, making it easy to become a handsome guy and attract pretty girls

Avatar of Nick John By Nick John Sep16,2024
Top 4 treasures in Doraemon to help you change your appearance, making it easy to become a handsome guy and attract pretty girls 3
Top 4 treasures in Doraemon to help you change your appearance, making it easy to become a handsome guy and attract pretty girls 3

Variable lights

Just mentioning this name makes many people understand its uses, right?

This treasure can help you have the `appearance` of any animal.

If you want to turn yourself into a handsome guy or a girl’s ideal model.

Connecting bucket

This is a quite interesting treasure of Doraemon.

Top 4 treasures in Doraemon to help you change your appearance, making it easy to become a handsome guy and attract pretty girls

Therefore, if this treasure exists in real life, those who use it need to have quite good geometric thinking and logical ability, otherwise it will not be successful.

Transforming cookies

The transformation cookie is a treasure used by Doraemon in chapter 3 of the original manga.

Top 4 treasures in Doraemon to help you change your appearance, making it easy to become a handsome guy and attract pretty girls

If you want to transform into an idol, simply borrow this treasure from Doraemon, remember to draw your favorite character and then have 5 minutes to transform into your idol.

Creating fashionable camera

Just hearing the name makes you want to use this treasure right away, right?

Top 4 treasures in Doraemon to help you change your appearance, making it easy to become a handsome guy and attract pretty girls

Above are the top 4 treasures in Doraemon to help you change your appearance, making it easy to become a handsome guy and attract pretty girls.

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