Reasons and treatments for aging symptoms in the eye area

Avatar of Nick John By Nick John Dec15,2023 #Reasons #treatments
Reasons and treatments for aging symptoms in the eye area 2
Reasons and treatments for aging symptoms in the eye area 2

Among them, the most noticeable symptoms of skin aging are the appearance of dark circles, crow’s feet around the eyes and especially the eyes showing signs of drooping eyelids or deep sunken eyes.


The secret to being healthy and beautiful

Some causes of eye wrinkles

Not only an obsession of middle-aged women, crow’s feet have now also appeared in young people just a little over 20 years old due to unscientific living habits and no concept of beauty.

Common reasons for loose skin around the eyes and wrinkles:

Due to changes in estrogen hormones, as you get older, the amount of estrogen will gradually decrease, causing your skin to become thinner, lose elasticity and sag.

– Repeated expressions such as squinting eyes, smiling a lot… this is a common reason why many young people under 30 years old have crow’s feet.

– Exposure to polluted environments and UV rays every day

– Alcohol and cigarettes are also very strong catalysts that cause collagen to be destroyed, causing loose skin

– Stress, staying up late, sleeping in the wrong position, rubbing your eyes a lot

How to effectively remove eye wrinkles:

Reasons and treatments for aging symptoms in the eye area

– Wear sunglasses with UV protection, use sunscreen for eyes

– Give up bad habits, try to sleep early, say no to alcohol and cigarettes

– Eat lots of fruits containing antioxidants such as pomegranates, avocados, bananas, etc.

– Enhance collagen with Fractional Light Peel method (using laser to fade wrinkles, freckles, blemishes, etc.)

– Dysport injection (muscle relaxing essence, wrinkle reduction) – has the same effect as Botox but the effect lasts longer and does not make facial muscles tense

Reasons and treatments for aging symptoms in the eye area

The secret to being healthy and beautiful

Limits of Botox

– Injections with fillers (also known as fillers).

– Use heat to stimulate collagen and eslastin regeneration with PLP treatment.


Reasons and treatments for aging symptoms in the eye area

The secret to being healthy and beautiful

7 truly effective ways to treat dark eye circles

In addition to genetic factors, the phenomenon of dark circles under the eyes often appears in young people who have a nightlife lifestyle, drink a lot of alcohol, and neglect eye care due to the harmful effects of the environment.

Common reasons for dark circles around the eyes:

Reasons and treatments for aging symptoms in the eye area

– Congenital (genetic)

– Hormonal disturbances during pregnancy and childbirth

– The bone structure of the eye socket is deeply indented

– Thin skin makes blood vessels visible on the skin

– Eczema, allergies or dermatitis

– Allergic rhinitis causes blood circulation to stagnate in the area around the eyes

– Capillaries are damaged due to the habit of rubbing and scratching the eyes

– Eye makeup remover is not clean or too strong

– Increased melanin pigmentation due to exposure to ultraviolet rays of sunlight without protection measures

– Nutritional deficiency, dehydration

– Lack of sleep or sleeping on your stomach

– Aging causes a lack of collagen

Using cosmetics containing toxic chemicals

The most effective methods to treat dark circles:

Reasons and treatments for aging symptoms in the eye area

– Get enough sleep for 6-8 hours/day, avoid sleeping on your stomach to limit blood vessel congestion

– Drink 2 liters of water/day or more, eat lots of foods with vitamins A and E

– Apply a mask, use moisturizer/sunscreen for eyes regularly

– Fractional Light Peel treatment

– Treat hyperpigmentation with skin whitening cream containing Kojic Acid, Hydroquinone (whitening) or vitamin K (treating clogged blood vessels causing dark circles)

– Filler injection into the area under the eyes and tear troughs for those with deep hollows.

– Inject whitening nutrients into problem areas.


Deeply sunken eyes (large puffiness may appear) is a common problem in people who are underweight or stay up too long at night.

Common reasons causing sunken eyes:

Reasons and treatments for aging symptoms in the eye area

– Due to genetics and advanced age

Being underweight or losing weight too quickly causes the fat under the eyelids to be lost, causing sunken eyes.

– Lack of sleep, stress, sadness, and fatigue inhibit collagen from being produced in time to meet the body’s needs, which leads to deeper sunken eyes.

How to fix sunken eyes:

Reasons and treatments for aging symptoms in the eye area

– Eat enough food and try to gain weight

– Do not put pressure on the nervous system with negative, sad thoughts and always get enough sleep

– Drink more than 2 liters of water/day

– Meso Lipolysis injection to treat excessive eye bags

– For those who have too deep eye sockets or have deep sunken eyes due to genetics, fillers should be injected to fill the eye sockets.

– For older people, RF (Radio Frequency) therapy should be used to fill collagen in the skin around the eyes


The problem of drooping eyelids is not very common, but once it occurs, it is very difficult to treat.

Reasons for drooping eyelids:

Reasons and treatments for aging symptoms in the eye area

– Due to birth

– Due to accident or unwanted injury

– Muscle weakness, severe skin aging

High-tech cosmetic methods to treat drooping eyelids:

Reasons and treatments for aging symptoms in the eye area

– Massage, acupressure

– Surgery to remove excess fat/skin on the eyelids

– Use thread to lift the eyelashes

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Beautify with honey from masks

Some ways to make eyes bigger for girls

5 natural tips to help reduce eye puffiness and dark circles

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