Journalist Nguyen Thi Hong Nga: Ready to respond to climate change

Journalist Nguyen Thi Hong Nga: Ready to respond to climate change 0
Journalist Nguyen Thi Hong Nga: Ready to respond to climate change 0

Journalist Nguyen Thi Hong Nga

I still vividly remember the image of a businesswoman in a camouflage outfit, wearing a striking orange life jacket and greeting the audience with a soldier’s style in the Talented and Stylish Businesswoman contest organized by HNEW in

Climate change, how is that concept understood in Vietnam, ma’am?

Personally, around 2005, I learned about climate change (Climate change), roughly understood as the phenomenon of global warming, depletion of the ozone layer, appearance of extreme climate phenomena such as droughts, floods, saltwater intrusion, storms,

Can you share the actions and actions you have taken to contribute to responding to climate change?

As a female journalist, for more than 20 years in the profession, I specialize in making television reports and discussions on development cooperation, hunger eradication and poverty reduction, and on the road to integration.

I wonder what to do to cope with this war?

This question keeps appearing in my mind.

This question keeps appearing in my mind.

This question keeps appearing in my mind.

At that time I was working as a reporter for Hanoi Radio and Television.

Where is Vietnam standing in the `war map` of the fight to respond to climate change, ma’am?

Currently, Vietnam is promoting the implementation of REDD + (Combating deforestation, forest degradation and forest governance).

Journalist Nguyen Thi Hong Nga: Ready to respond to climate change

The visit and work with the Ca Mau Forest Protection Department gave Ms. Nga many ideas for films to respond to climate change.

In this war, what is the most difficult thing?

Change in human consciousness.

Are there any happy or sad memories that you can’t forget?

Happiness and sadness both happen when wanting to carry out a media project:

Failure: After 5 years of wanting to build a television playground about climate change but it has not been possible.

Success: We have the little joy of consulting on building personal image and company brand through activities to respond to climate change, protect the environment, and bring `Green Growth` culture into businesses.

Thank you very much.

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