Fresh like an office girl

Avatar of Nick John By Nick John Dec7,2023 #Fresh #office
Fresh like an office girl 0
Fresh like an office girl 0

Three characteristics of office women’s skin

According to Ms. Vu Nguyen Bao Khanh, Training Director of Estée Lauder, in many years of skin consulting, she has found that most women think their skin is normal or combination.

Office women’s skin is also susceptible to dullness due to the effects of ultraviolet rays from computers and prolonged stress.

It’s never too early to take care of your skin

Are you only 25 years old?

On the market today there are many skin care products with quite specific information on packaging and leaflets.

Spa, spa and… spa

Whether your skin is beautiful or not, you still need to go to the spa regularly.

ELLE women

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