Doan Ngo Tet personality test about career ambitions

Avatar of Nick John By Nick John Dec3,2023 #Doan #Personality
Doan Ngo Tet personality test about career ambitions 3
Doan Ngo Tet personality test about career ambitions 3

During the Doan Ngo festival, people often have the custom of hanging jars of mugwort leaves to ward off evil spirits.

Hang in many places in the house

Ambition index: ★★★★★

Personality tests show that you always know what you want and need and never feel satisfied.

Hang at the head of the bed

Ambition index: ★★★★

Doan Ngo Tet personality test about career ambitions

You have a very strong ambition for power.

Hanging in front of the main door

Ambition index: ★

Doan Ngo Tet personality test about career ambitions

Personality tests show that you always hope to have a peaceful and harmonious life, so you are sometimes quite superficial, often `going with the flow` to please and adapt to others, losing your ego.

Hang in the window

Ambition index: ★★

Doan Ngo Tet personality test about career ambitions

Personality tests show that you have many great ideals and also like to express your great will in front of others, especially your superiors and colleagues at work.


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