Career path of singer Luu Huong Giang

Career path of singer Luu Huong Giang 0
Career path of singer Luu Huong Giang 0

Maintain your own identity stubbornly

Female singer Luu Huong Giang shared: `Following trends and not having your own identity is very dangerous, so from the moment I entered the music industry, I was always conscious of finding my own musical personality to conquer.`

Versatile artist

Realizing the importance of an artist’s fashion style, Luu Huong Giang quickly transformed herself into a stylish and attractive female singer thanks to the help of a professional team.

Career path of singer Luu Huong Giang

Female singer `Cabbage` Luu Huong Giang transforms in fashion style

Why do I have to create `tricks`?

The image of female singer Luu Huong Giang is always associated with a spotless, scandal-free image.

Career path of singer Luu Huong Giang

The couple Ho Hoai Anh – Luu Huong Giang `held hands` and sat as coaches of The Voice Kids program in 2013.

Luu Huong Giang of the present

Through many stages in her life and career, the female singer has reached a stage of slowing down and becoming more calm and rational.

Career path of singer Luu Huong Giang

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