Personality test based on phone usage habits

Avatar of Nick John By Nick John Dec12,2023 #habits #Personality
Personality test based on phone usage habits 5
Personality test based on phone usage habits 5

It takes a long time to pick up the phone – selfish person

Judging from the speed of receiving calls, there are people who do not like to answer the phone right away. Each time they wait for the bell to ring for a while before answering, regardless of whether they are busy or free.

Personality tests show that this is the type of person who is quite selfish, takes care of everything and only does what he likes.

These people are also quite lazy, like freedom, live freely, do not follow rules, are not good at communication, have very limited participation in social activities, and only satisfy their love life the way they like.


What are your phone habits?

Call regardless of time – Self-centered people

When these people want to call others, they are often very spontaneous, without caring about the other person’s inconvenience. They have a rather self-centered personality, and can even be said to have a minimally polite attitude towards life.

Personality tests show that they do not care about other people’s feelings, see themselves as the center and like to be surrounded and noticed by people.

When their requests are not met, they easily get angry and act aggressively, while if asked for help, they become frustrated and try to escape.


Personality test based on phone usage habits

Your phone usage habits will reveal your personality

When receiving a phone call, they often move their hands, wave their pens, etc. – Delicate people

There are some people who like to touch things around them or rotate the pen in their hand, etc. The `attached` gestures when answering the phone show that this is a person with a delicate mind and affection.

Personality tests show that they think about problems very thoughtfully and act carefully.


Personality test based on phone usage habits

Some people like to touch things around them when using their phones

Likes to record conversation information – People who value feelings

Some people are more special, like to record phone conversations with the other person. These are the type of people who take feelings very seriously.

This type of person thinks carefully and thoughtfully, but has the disadvantage of poor improvisation ability.


Personality test based on phone usage habits

Likes to record conversation information – People who value feelings

Tell half the story and then find paper and pen to take notes – People who are good at improvisation

Some people only find paper and pen to write down the necessary information after exchanging half of the call. This is not to say that they are careless, but on the contrary, they are quick improvisers.

Personality tests show that they are people who like to brainstorm, think flexibly and are often the ones who keep the atmosphere for the group.


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