7 positions that make the way to spray perfume `standard, no need to adjust`

Avatar of Nick John By Nick John Dec19,2023 #positions #standard
7 positions that make the way to spray perfume `standard, no need to adjust` 1
7 positions that make the way to spray perfume `standard, no need to adjust` 1

Whether you have a unique scent like Marilyn Monroe and her favorite Chanel No.5 perfume bottle, or you are the type of person who likes to collect long rows of perfume bottles neatly arranged on your dressing table, this is the perfect place to go.

How to spray perfume to help retain scent in 7 unexpected places, making the body `scent` all day long.

Usually, when we see the scent of perfume fading, we will `put out the fire` by spraying a few more perfumes on our wrists and collarbones and then realize that all our efforts don’t seem to bring the desired results.

7 positions that make the way to spray perfume `standard, no need to adjust`

Trends and Inspiration

Chanel N°5 perfume – A poem that is not old

7 positions that make the way to spray perfume `standard, no need to adjust`

Marilyn Monroe and the legendary Chanel N.5 perfume bottle

To make sure your pleasant scent stays with you all day long (without having to bother carrying a bottle of perfume in your bag in the middle of the day), check out these secret spots that help diffuse scent from within your body.

1. Hair

Believe it or not, some people say that hair strands are much more useful than skin in preserving fragrance – you just need to pay attention to how you apply perfume in this area.

2. Behind the ears

Similar to the wrist, the position behind the ear is considered a `pulse point` with blood vessels located close to the skin, so the heat level here is higher, making the scent more passionate.

7 positions that make the way to spray perfume `standard, no need to adjust`

(credit: blog.cibuu.com)

3. Back

This may seem strange, but perfumer Chandler Burr confirms that spraying perfume on the back will help the scent last longer and people around will feel the scent is not too strong.

`Pull your collar down and spray perfume between your clothes and your back,` advises Chandler Burr.

4. Inside of the elbow

Is a pulse point that gets little attention and is an alternative to the wrist.

7 positions that make the way to spray perfume `standard, no need to adjust`

(credit: nupcias magazine)

5. Behind the knee

Even if you can’t remember science from high school, you definitely know one thing: heat helps diffusion.

6. Navel

Here’s a tip we stole from Liv Tyler, who inherited this secret from her father Steven Tyler.

7. Ankles

The more you move, the more your body scent will spread with each step.

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