4 reasons to practice Plank – The most comprehensive abdominal exercise

4 reasons to practice Plank - The most comprehensive abdominal exercise 4
4 reasons to practice Plank - The most comprehensive abdominal exercise 4

When Plank, you keep your body fixed on the floor.

Reason 1: It is very easy to do Plank

“Training” and “easy” are two concepts that often do not go together.

In addition, performing a Plank is very easy because you only need to maintain the correct position for 20 seconds.

Plank is a suitable exercise position for many people.

Reason 2: You can practice Plank anywhere

Another reason why Plank is so convenient is that you can practice this movement anywhere you want, eliminating the fear of not having enough space to practice.

Some types of Planks can be done with gym balls, benches, sofas, low cabinets… Although not convenient, these types of Planks can still be done anywhere.

Because Plank does not require strenuous exercise or makes you sweat a lot, without needing workout clothes, you can still easily complete this exercise.

4 reasons to practice Plank - The most comprehensive abdominal exercise

You can practice plank in many places, so this is a convenient exercise for busy women.

Reason 3: Plank is very beneficial

Besides convenience, Plank brings many benefits to the body.

Firm round 2

Exercise major muscle groups such as back, abdomen, arms and leg muscles

Increase body flexibility

Improves posture and helps you have better balance

Helps improve mood by stimulating the body to produce the hormone endorphins

Reduces pain related to muscles and poor posture

Easy, convenient and healthy, Plank offers many benefits to you regardless of your beginner level of exercise ability.

Reason 4: Plank can transform into many different positions when needed

Planks have many variations, suitable and convenient for practitioners.

For example, beginner level lifters can try the following Planks:

Plank with elbows on the floor

Plank with knees on the floor

Hold the movement for a shorter time

At the same time, Plank can be modified to create a sense of challenge as well as to exercise certain muscle groups.


4 reasons to practice Plank - The most comprehensive abdominal exercise

In just 5 minutes you can practice for a firmer butt

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